Odds and Ends: From the Biden Jews to the SPLC to the Vaxxes, Covid and Otherwise - part 4
Odds and Ends: From the Biden Jews to the SPLC to the Vaxxes, Covid and Otherwise - part 4

More from my cycling back to old voices on the right, E.

Michael Jones, Tim Kelly, and even James Corbett.

In part three I cover some advice to RFK Jr. from Jones on the framing of his campaign messaging regarding the deep state and the assassinations of his father and uncle, and one sample of how that seems to be working out, from the shiny happy millennials on the Hill's Rising.

In part four I switch to RFK Jr. and the "Vaxx question", how he dealt with it in an Unherd interview and how he addressed it without addressing it openly in his announcement speech.

(He then declared he'd put an end to chronic disease in America - and failed to declare the same about involvement in the war in Ukraine.)