EXPOSING Dallas Mayor’s Affair at City Council | Brandon Buckingham Joins the Blimp | Ep 155
EXPOSING Dallas Mayor’s Affair at City Council | Brandon Buckingham Joins the Blimp | Ep 155

In this episode of "Prime Time with Alex Stein," Alex is back in his natural habitat: city council!

He discusses going to the Dallas City Council and calling out Mayor Eric Johnson for his affair with a city staffer.

Joining in studio is YouTuber Brandon Buckingham, who is known for his hilarious man-on-the-street videos.

Following, we have Jameson Ellis, who is currently running against Dan Crenshaw.

Can Jameson beat Eye-Patch McCain?

Alex certainly hopes so!

Finally, because of a $500 superchat, Alex will give Producer JVT the worst haircut of his life: reverse mohawk with frosted tips.

Don’t miss this episode of “Prime Time with Alex Stein”!