The 3 Girlboss Problem | Fallout Dead Man's Cache | Gamergate Strikes back! | Capns Cast 64
The 3 Girlboss Problem | Fallout Dead Man's Cache | Gamergate Strikes back! | Capns Cast 64

The 3 Body Problem on Netflix has many other problems: Like 3 girl-bosses.

3 Yawns a minute.

3 times the Science Almighty Smug.

There are some treasures to be found, however.

And the Captain believes Amazon's Fallout Series is DOA, so he's launching his own Ironage project: Fallout: Dead Man's Cache, a table top RPG LIie Stream!

And the very not-racist Black Girl Gamers group does what all inclusive pro-democracy types do: Threaten legal retaliation against all who criticize their public statements.

So let's talk Fallout, Gamergate cringe, Star Trek, Pirates of the Carribean, and much much more!

The Captains Cast 64.