Thai restaurants on thin ice despite return of alcohol sales

Thai restaurants on thin ice despite return of alcohol sales


BANGKOK (AP) — Thailand's battered restaurant sector had two reasons to celebrate Monday as the country further eased its coronavirus restrictions. Bangkok’s many eateries, which reopened in May after being shut down for more than a month, are allowed to serve alcoholic drinks again, and there is no longer a curfew constraining late-night dining.

But while restaurant owners whose slim profit margins made operating untenable without the sale of alcohol are pleased, they remain fearful that the “new normal” may not make their businesses sustainable.

Thailand is a world-famous destination for eating, from its 29 restaurants holding stars in the latest Michelin Guide to street-side carts dishing out local specialties like pad thai fresh from a fiery wok. The number of eating places is virtually uncountable, and they are major employers.

The coronavirus crisis, however, is expected to cause a major shake-up.

The head of the Thai Restaurant Business Association believes many establishments will go under. Ladda Sampawthong said she thinks up to 15% will close, mainly large and medium restaurants and those that are recent startups.

“The next 12 to 18 months will be a very tough time for us,” she said.

Monday's easing of restrictions, meanwhile, serves as a bright spot. The owner of an American-style barbecue restaurant and bar spoke for many when he welcomed the resumption of alcohol sales.

“It is a big moment because we’ve been losing money for quite a long time now, so hopefully we can get back to at least breaking even and maybe even making a little bit of money now,” said Dana Caron, owner of the Roadhouse Barbecue.

“I think the future holds good things for all of us,” said Tim Butler, the American co-owner of Eat Me, a restaurant also in...

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