Americans update their closets as they emerge from pandemic

Americans update their closets as they emerge from pandemic


NEW YORK (AP) — After a year of being stuck in sweatpants, pajamas and fuzzy slippers, Americans are starting to dress up and go out again.

Levi Strauss is seeing a resurgence in denim while demand for dresses at Macy's, Anthropologie and Nordstrom is going up as proms and weddings resume. And teen retailer American Eagle Outfitters said sales are rising due to “pent-up” demand for its fashions.

During the three months ended February, market research firm NPD Group said jeans and casual pants began to cut their previous declines by more than half, indicating consumers are gearing up to spend more time out of the home. And more than half of U.S. consumers plan to buy clothing in the coming months, catapulting it back to the top category of anticipated spending, followed by footwear and beauty products, according to NPD’s consumer survey.

“My plan is to dress up and enjoy the things in my wardrobe,” said Beth Embrescia, 51, an executive fundraiser who for the last year paired dressy tops with sweatpants and Birkenstocks for work Zoom calls but recently bought collared shirts and loafers with a wedge heel while on a recent vacation in Florida. “I will not be going out to dinner in joggers.”

Such signs of renewed interest offer a much-needed boost for clothing sales, which have been in the dumps for a year. They also serve as hopeful indications of a strong economic recovery as Americans show more willingness to travel and dine out as President Joe Biden’s vaccination plan proceeds ahead of schedule.

Major transactions at full service restaurants rose more than twofold this March compared to year ago, though down 25% compared to two years ago, according to NPD. Hotels are making a comeback too, with demand during the week ended April 11 surging more than fourfold compared with a year ago and up 10.9%...

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