Minnal Murali: The best superhero movie of the year can teach Marvel how to solve the problem of villains

Minnal Murali: The best superhero movie of the year can teach Marvel how to solve the problem of villains



There are exactly seven good villains in the movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (there’s one more if you count the movies). That’s a pretty disappointing success rate for a franchise that includes 27 movies and has had over a decade to fix this problem. You’d think mistakes like this would teach them a lesson, but for every ShangChi and The Legend of the Ten Rings and Black Panther, there are dozens of baker movies like Ant Man and the Wasp and Thor: The Dark World. Collectively, this recidivism is known as the Marvel Villain Problem, which also found a way to infect SpiderMan: No Way Home recently. But few […]

Minnal Murali: The best superhero movie of the year can teach Marvel how to solve the problem of villains

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