How to prepare your home and family, if new virus spreads

How to prepare your home and family, if new virus spreads


As the new coronavirus keeps turning up in more places, health experts say it's wise to prepare for wider spread. But people shouldn't panic or hoard large amounts of supplies, they stress.

So what should you do?

Some common-sense steps that are useful for any emergency, such as severe weather, can help get you and your family ready in case you need to hunker down.

More than a dozen states have COVID-19 cases. An outbreak "could last for a long time in your community," the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns in its preparation advice.

A good way to think about planning, says former CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden, is "if you had to be quarantined for 14 days at home," how would you cope?


Start by talking with family members about how to take care of each other, discuss emergency preparations with neighbors and investigate resources such as food and meal delivery services in case you can't go out for food, the CDC and others advise.

Consider options for working from home, if possible, and what to do if schools or daycare centers close.

Get copies of any health records you may need.

Pick a room that could be used to separate a sick person from the rest of the family.


How much food should you have on hand? The advice varies. CDC's guidance for general emergency preparedness says at least a three-day supply. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recommends two weeks and Harvard University experts suggest two weeks to 30 days.

"You may not be able to get to a store, or stores may be out of supplies, so it will be important for you to have extra supplies on hand," the Harvard site says.

That means nonperishable and ready-to-eat foods. Consider special needs such as allergies, medical conditions such as diabetes, babies who...

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