Qatar reaffirms support for Afghanistan to achieve peace, security, stability and development

Qatar reaffirms support for Afghanistan to achieve peace, security, stability and development


(MENAFN - The Peninsula) The State of Qatar has renewed support for the brothers in Afghanistan in their endeavors towards consolidating peace, security, stability and development, and stressed that it will continue its endeavors to support all efforts with the United Nations and regional and international partners. The State of Qatar also affirmed that its sincere endeavors to support the peace process in Afghanistan are a reflection of its firm foreign policy that attaches importance to settle disputes by peaceful means, mediation and international cooperation, including cooperation with the United Nations. This came in a statement delivered by the Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations H E Ambassador Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani before the UN Security Council, which held a virtual meeting on the situation in Afghanistan.  Sheikha Alya stressed the importance of the Security Council's meeting, which is being held at an important juncture, explaining that the participation of the State of Qatar in the meeting comes within the framework of its role as an international partner of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and a mediator in support of the peace process led and held by the Afghans. She expressed hope that the meeting will lead to a comprehensive political settlement. Ambassador Sheikha Alya underlined that the State of Qatar has been keen to coordinate with its international partners, whether the United Nations or friendly countries, in order to support and make the Doha process a success. In this context, she said that the State of Qatar this month once again hosted US Peace Envoy in Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, and UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan Deborah Lyons. She noted the State of Qatar's participation in the extended Troika meeting hosted by the Russian Federation on March 18, which valued the role of the State of Qatar in facilitating the peace process and supporting the continuation of the Doha negotiations. Qatar also looks forward to participating with the Turkish Republic in holding a meeting next month with the aim of promoting the peace process, she said. The ambassador also expressed Qatar's welcome to the appointment of Jean Arnault as UN Secretary-General's Personal Envoy on Afghanistan and Regional Issues, and its aspiration to provide him with support and closely cooperate with him. She said that the Afghan people have made gains during the past period and now need the support of the international community in order to preserve these gains and complete the transitional phase, as well as to overcome the many challenges facing security, sustainable development and the economy. She added that the State of Qatar praises the efforts made by neighboring and friendly countries in providing support  to Afghanistan in various fields, including political, humanitarian and development fields. She referred to the tangible gains made in Afghanistan's march towards that desired peace during the past year, as an agreement to bring peace to Afghanistan was signed between the United States and the Taliban on February 29, explaining that this agreement was a culmination of the continuous efforts exerted by the State of Qatar during the past period to bring the parties together to dialogue and hold many rounds of negotiations in Doha. Furthermore she noted that the Doha agreement has provided important steps towards ending the war and opening the door to negotiations between the Afghan parties, as indicated by Security Council Resolution 2513 (2020). In addition to this she made it clear that one of the most important positive steps provided by the agreement is the launch of Afghan peace negotiations on Sep. 12 in Doha, which represents an important step towards achieving a comprehensive political settlement, putting an end to violence and human suffering and paving the way for stability and prosperity. She emphasized that the negotiations in Doha had made progress that included reaching an agreement on the procedural rules, referring to the other gains which were facilitated by the State of Qatar last summer, which were represented in reaching a ceasefire on Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha, and the success of the prisoner exchange process between the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Taliban. She also referred to the second round of the negotiations between the government and the Taliban that began last January, when the teams appointed by the two sides held a series of meetings to agree on the agenda. Sheikha Alya stressed that at this critical stage, all possible efforts should be made to preserve the gains made within the Doha track, especially since Qatar has witnessed through its role as facilitator of the talks between the Afghan parties that they are approaching the peace process with caution and awareness of the need to end the state of war and achieve lasting peace. At the end of the statement, HE Qatar's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani reiterated the State of Qatar's support for the brothers in Afghanistan in their endeavors to consolidate peace, security, stability and development, and will continue to exert all efforts, in cooperation with the United Nations and international partners, for the success of the peace negotiations and the achievement of the desired goal.   MENAFN25032021000063011010ID1101807188

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