German 'Synodal Path' calls for doctrinal change on homosexuality, contraception (CNA)

German 'Synodal Path' calls for doctrinal change on homosexuality, contraception (CNA)

Catholic Culture


Participants in the German bishops’ “Synodal Path” concluded their plenary meeting with the approval of texts that call for changes in the Church’s teaching on homosexuality and contraception.

The assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution calling for the blessing of homosexual unions, and another saying that the Catechism “should be revised” to offer a more positive view of homosexuality.

In another text on marriage, the assembly called for more changes in the Catechism, regarding conjugal fertility and the regulation of conception, saying that spouses should make their own decision on “the timing of becoming parents.”

The assembly had previously voted to approve a call for the ordination of women.

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