Cardinal Tagle defends renewal of secret Vatican-China accord (Fides)

Cardinal Tagle defends renewal of secret Vatican-China accord (Fides)

Catholic Culture


In a lengthy interview, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, defended the extension of the 2018 provisional agreement between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China on the appointment of bishops.

“Historical events had led to painful wounds within the Church, to the point of casting a shadow of suspicion on the sacramental life itself,” the Philippine cardinal said. “So there were things at stake that touch the intimate nature of the Church and her mission of salvation.”

“With the agreement, attempts are made to ensure that Chinese Catholic bishops can exercise their episcopal task in full communion with the Pope,” he added. “The reason for everything is to safeguard the valid apostolic succession and the sacramental nature of the Catholic Church in China. And this can reassure, comfort and enliven baptized Catholics in China.”

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