What a Strange Year: Internet Explorer Market Share Actually Increases



The browser race has finally become a three-player adventure, as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are now also competing against the Chromium-powered Microsoft Edge for the ultimate supremacy in this software category. So on paper, the battle for the best browser right now comes down to Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, with other underdogs, such as Opera, Vivaldi, and others currently holding a rather small market share. Internet Explorer, on the other hand, is one of the browsers that no longer have a place in the modern world, and Microsoft itself recommends against using it for daily browsing. The company wants everybody using Internet Explorer to make the switch to Microsoft Edge, which obviously comes with many more features and new-generation capabilities that are otherwise missing in the old app. “You see, Internet Explorer is a compatibility solution. We’re not supporting new web standards for it and, while many sites work fine, develop...

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