Microsoft xCloud Finally Coming to iPhone



Microsoft has just announced that it’s bringing Xbox cloud gaming to Windows 10 PCs, iPhones, and tablets as part of a limited beta. The testing program would only be available for select Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members, and the whole thing is going to work via web browsers. In other words, if you want to play games in the cloud on your iPhone, you won’t need a dedicated app, as the service will be available right in your browser. On Apple devices, you can use Edge, Google Chrome, or Safari, and Microsoft says this approach allowed the company to make everything as straightforward as possible. Keep in mind, however, that this is just a limited program and Microsoft itself would pick the players to be part of the testing. “The limited beta is our time to test and learn; we’ll send out more invites on a continuous basis to players in all 22 supported countries, evaluate feedback, continue to improve the experience, and add support for more devices. Our plan is to ...

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