Today’s best game deals: Pokémon Violet/Scarlet $50.50, RE Village $20, more

Today’s best game deals: Pokémon Violet/Scarlet $50.50, RE Village $20, more



This is the place to find all of the best price drops on Nintendo Switch titles as well as a series of Xbox and PlayStation releases every day of the week. We are now tracking some nice little price drops directly on amazon for the latest-generation Pokémon titles. Trainers can now score Pokémon Violet down at $50.48 or Pokémon Scarlet at *$52.98 shipped*, down from the regularly $60 each. While not huge price drops, deals on the Gen 9 titles have been scarce at best since release – they didn’t even go on sale for Pokémon Day – and Scarlet is now matching the all-time low while Violet is coming very close. Despite some launch hiccups, we enjoyed our time time with latest pocket monster Switch titles and you can read all about our experience in our hands-on review. And while we are talking Pokémon, be sure to checkout the upcoming Scarlet and Violet TCG set and Rikka’s custom Pokémon keyboard too. Head below for the rest of today’s best Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox games deals. 


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