Knuckle Sandwich Review (PC)

Knuckle Sandwich Review (PC)



Three skeletons and a rat are sitting opposite my character and a companion, ready to deliver damage. The animal deploys a special attack which gives my party the sick effect, which isn’t a great start to the battle. The skeletons deliver their own strikes, one of which I entirely dodge, while the other launches a mini game. I manage to avoid all the ghosts inside a haunted mansion which means my character does not take any damage. It’s time to strike back, using the beatdown special skill to attack all three opponents at once. It takes a few more turns and the party needs to use a zoop to get health back, but I take down all the opponents, gaining some experience and a few magical stones. I run around this icy warehouse, trying to move around enemies as much as possible, avoiding all the low-light areas. I’ve already slipped on the frozen floor once and I had to get through quite a few battles to get back on the critical path. At least I’ve found some items along ...

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