Moscow mayor allows people to go out for walks

Moscow mayor allows people to go out for walks



Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed a decree on the extension of the self-isolation mode, system of pass control and other restrictive measures until June 14. At the same time, parks are going to open for citizens, while stadiums are opening for athletes. Starting from June 1, 2020, the Moscow authorities will proceed to the second stage of easing lockdown restrictions, within which many trade and service enterprises will resume work, while residents of the city will be allowed to go out for walks, albeit with restrictions. "Starting from Monday, city residents, including older people over 65 and citizens with chronic diseases, can leave their homes for walks and sports activities," the mayor said. Earlier on Wednesday, at a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow Mayor Sobyanin proposed to ease a number of restrictions from June 1. The Moscow authorities plan to resume the sales of non-food products, as well as to reopen part of household services that do not require long-term contact between people: laundries, dry cleaning, repair shops.

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