After Trump: And now what?

After Trump: And now what?



Trump's defeat in the race for the second term as US President has brought American foreign policy back on apparently already known tracks. If, on the one hand, The Donald was the first American president in 30 years to not start a war, on the other hand Joe Biden was in that same administration whose President Obama, useless Nobel Peace Prize winner, did not hesitate to destroy Gaddafi's Libya under a hurricane of bombs. Plunging Syria into the abyss of a proxy war that has lasted for nine very long years. Exporting democracy in Ukraine by fomenting a Nazi coup d'état that triggered in a defensive key the Russian annexation of Crimea and the secession of the Russian-speaking regions of Donbass. The overall foreign policy assessment of the Trump administration is particularly affected by the missile attack on Syria (more superficial than anything else) and the absurd assassination of the great Iranian general Soleimani, an elimination that, however, did not bring Trump to reappoint the White House. The American withdrawal from the INF treaty and the Open Skies treaty is nothing more than the consequence of the fact that those treaties concerned the relations between two geopolitical realities that have now disappeared: the United States in the 1970s and the Soviet Union. The unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA, on the other hand, leaves the Islamic Republic of Iran a free hand to reorganize its national defense even if this involves the overthrow of some understandings between Tehran and Westerners. What was Donald Trump's presidency? The whim of a billionaire used to be obeyed at once? Perhaps the latest delight of a tycoon use to buy what he falls in love with? Alternatively, is there something deeper behind the undeniable dollar orgy that characterizes American politics?

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