Afghanistan: USA's worldly glory passes in a mathematically impossible way

Afghanistan: USA's worldly glory passes in a mathematically impossible way



Eighty-eight billion dollars – this is the amount that the US has invested in the Afghan army and police. This number is approximate, and the actual amount is likely to be higher by an order of magnitude, or even two. USA's Afghan debacle is the loss of superpower status This is positive news for Russia: the less money a potential aggressor has, the safer the life gets. Washington has spent a staggering $2 trillion 261 billion over 20 years of intervention in Afghanistan, financial experts at Brown University calculated. The lion's share of this sky-high bill – $ 1 trillion 435 billion – was taken from the budget of the State Department and the Department of Defense; As much as $296 billion was required for treatment and general expenses for campaign veterans; $530 billion was spent on interest payments on all the loans that the United States has raised to finance the war.  The Pentagon also confirmed that as much as $815 billion was spent for intended purposes – to conduct hostilities that is. As much as $19 billion was simply embezzled, while $143 billion was spent on the revival of infrastructure of Afghanistan, that is, for the needs of construction in the country.

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