‘Just 0.04% population tested’: Congress slams Goa CM’s Covid-free state remark
‘Just 0.04% population tested’: Congress slams Goa CM’s Covid-free state remark

Goa Congress President Girish Chodankar has claimed that the State government has not conducted the tests for COVID-19 properly and that it has rushed into declaring the State as COVID-19 free.

"The government is ignoring the dangerous aspects by testing just 0.04 per cent of total 16 lakh population of Goa till date.

Goa has tested just 825 patients while 2158 patients are under isolation," said Chodankar.

Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant called Goa a 'zero coronavirus case' State after the seventh patient tested negative on Sunday.

"As of April 3, no new COVID-19 positive case has been reported.

The last patient tested negative today.

It gives me immense pleasure to announce that as of now, there are no COVID-19 positive patients in the State," said Sawant.