7 First ALert AM Buffalo Forecast
7 First ALert AM Buffalo Forecast

Feeling the humidity today with scattered early showers and mild temperatures.

Expect highs to get into the 60s, even popping some 70s with sunshine into the early afternoon.

Showers & T-Storms will increase during the afternoon and evening with a few storms producing strong gusty winds and heavy downpours and hail south and east of Buffalo.

The weekend will start out dry and cloudy, then breaks of sunshine will develop in the afternoon allowing temperatures to rise into the 60s.

While the 60s will return on Sunday, showers & T-Storms will move back in for the afternoon and evening to finish the weekend wet.

THIS AFTERNOON: Gusty t-storms. High 70.

Breezy SW winds 20mph.jlj TONIGHT: Cloudy and cool.

Low near 50