Common Myths About Sunscreen: Debunked
Common Myths About Sunscreen: Debunked

Common Myths About Sunscreen:, Debunked.

Sunscreen is your best defense against sun-damaged skin.


But there are plenty of misconceptions about the most effective way to use sunscreen.


Here are six common myths about sunscreen.


MYTH: You’re using enough sunscreen, Most people only apply 25 to 50 percent of the recommended amount of sunscreen.


MYTH: Sunscreen can be waterproof or sweat-proof, Although it may not wash off as easily, sunscreen can only be classified as water-resistant.



MYTH: Makeup with sunscreen is enough, The SPF in cosmetics may not be more than 30 or is broad-spectrum, meaning it's not enough protection.


MYTH: Sunblock and sunscreen are the same thing, Sunblock reflects the sun’s UV rays while sunscreen chemically filters them.



MYTH: Sunscreen doesn’t ever expire, Sunscreen bottles have a visible expiration date that should be followed for maximum effectiveness.


MYTH: You should only wear sunscreen in the summer, UVA and UVB rays are present whenever the sun is out, even in the winter.