July Fourth Price Shock: Christopher Rufo, Spencer Klavan, Josh Hammer | ROUNDTABLE | Rubin Report
July Fourth Price Shock: Christopher Rufo, Spencer Klavan, Josh Hammer | ROUNDTABLE | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Christopher Rufo, Spencer Klavan, and Josh Hammer about the cost of living crisis most Americans are facing and reasons to be hopeful this fourth of July.

First, Dave talks to his guests about the immense damage that Inflation is doing to American families.

With food prices increasing as people prepare for their July 4th cookouts ,the pain is very clear.

The cost of food is forcing many to make sacrifices in the quality and amount of food they’re purchasing.

All of this makes Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s comments to Peter Doocy about food prices last year even more surreal.

Last year the administration bragged about the cost of a summer cookout being 16 cents less than the previous year.

This independence day it’s important to remember why the world view of people like BNC News’ Marc Lamont Hill who grills guests like Christopher Rufo on racist generalizations of white people is so different from the individualism that has made the West so successful.

Jordan Peterson makes a stunning defense of western civilization.

He makes clear why the collectivism espoused by so many woke liberals is doomed to fail.

He makes clear why individualism in America has been so successful and we abandon it at our own peril.

There is a war on the West, are you ready to defend it?