World Wide Inflation And Sanctions Will Collapse The World Economies
World Wide Inflation And Sanctions Will Collapse The World Economies

Everything seems to be pointing to poor management of record high inflation and the sanctioning of items needed for economic growth is going to push the world into a recession.

Now if you listen to Yellen, there will be no recession.

The poll of economist it should be a short and shallow recession.

Those same economist said if there is any mishandling of interest rate or intention to prolong the recession from happening it will be worse for the US.

At this point make sure you are stocked up on food, water, ammo, hunting, fishing, and trapping supplies.

Make sure your house is in good shape and if you lose your job you will still have a place to live.

Have backup energy, heating, and cooking sources.

Just Be Prepared for anything and everything.

Stay Safe.