Tucker Carlson Tonight 12 Jan 2023
Tucker Carlson Tonight 12 Jan 2023

Tucker's monologue lays out the case I've been making for a couple weeks now.

This is an inside job to torpedo Biden and clear the path for some up and coming Marxist that won't need the strings pulled from the shadows, won't get lost on stage after a speech and won't embarrass themselves everytime they open their mouth.

OK, the last one is a stretch, anyone they put on stage is going to embarrass themselves, but 2 out of 4 ain't bad.

Matt Whitiker and Richard Painter join Tucker to break it down.

The only thing that is somewhat of a surprise is that it wasn't done in time to have a democratic house install a new VP with no pushback.

My theory is that 1) this would have jeopardized the midterm election and 2) they are confident the Uniparty swamp creatures from both parties will install as VP whomever they desire.

I also expect these "high crimes and misdemeanors" will provoke the republican house to help push the doddering fool out sooner not later.

His "friends" in the Senate will come to him back channel and say they will be forced to vote to impeach and he will resign.

A near carbon copy of the Nixon resignation.

Isn't history interesting.

When Bernstein makes an appearance on MSDNC and says "this is worse than Watergate" you'll know the internal coupe is truly underway.