Breaking History Ep. 9: Biowarfare, Inside Jobs and Cultura wars
Breaking History Ep. 9: Biowarfare, Inside Jobs and Cultura wars

In this week's episode of Breaking History on Badlands Media, Sean Morgan and Matt talk bioweapons, PNAC, Japan's Unit 731 and Anthrax attacks in order to get a better understanding on the expansive array of Pentagon-directed bioweapon labs in Ukraine, Georgia, Africa and South Korea today.

What is Hunter Biden's relationship to this network and how did Biden draft the Patriot Act?

How did 9-11 itself follow the model of the Nazi Reichstag Fire and fake Gulf of Tonkin attack that unleashed a war in Vietnam?

How is this related to the murder of JFK, the rise of the counterculture, drugs, Jim Morrison and Aldous Huxley?