"Death By 'Diversity' & Precognitive Dreams" 1/11/24
"Death By 'Diversity' & Precognitive Dreams" 1/11/24

Thursday night in Studio B and in the first half we're going to cover a wide spectrum of dIvERsitY-related news.

A dIVerSE all-female city council is Minnesota makes HERSTORY!

...but until we get more BIPOC initiates of the Skull And Bones will we ever really be equal?

I'll take first-half calls, read through some show-related letters that have been coming in over the last week, and in the second half we are going into the reoccurring dream thread on the Forum, to see what people have been dreaming up.

Dream Thread: https://quitefranklyforum.vbulletin.net/forum/quite-frankly-forum/25-show-thread-reoccurring-recurring-dreams-repository