Brave TV - Jan 18, 2024 - The FDA Dragon Slayer, Jonathan Emord Takes on US Senate - Endorsed by Ron Paul
Brave TV - Jan 18, 2024 - The FDA Dragon Slayer, Jonathan Emord Takes on US Senate - Endorsed by Ron Paul

For the past 37 years, Jonathan W.

Emord has litigated against the federal bureaucracy, winning over and over again.

Ron Paul calls Jonathan “an expert in constitutional theory and history” and “an expert litigator with a long string of legal victories over the federal bureaucracy.” George Noory calls him “a Knight in Shining Armor” and “a warrior out to save our rights.” Congressmen Dan Burton and John Doolittle describe him as “an intellectual warrior for the rights and freedoms of people in America.” Jonathan has a unique, detailed knowledge of the federal bureaucracy, the deep state.

He knows how to defeat it.