Alone in the Dark Scream Stream Round 2 - Mind Games
Alone in the Dark Scream Stream Round 2 - Mind Games

Bad head trips, limited ammo, puzzle solving, haunted house, ghost towns... it must be Survival Horror.

Welcome back my Soul Survivors to the Mind Games sophomore round of Alone in the Dark.

Upon Inkarnate's inaugural playthrough, it didn't take too long for the hallucinations the kick in.

A routine missing person's case saw me losing my head, losing track of time, and finding myself in the company of the Eldritch variety.

The atmosphere is spot on, but so is my aim.

All manner of slithering terror is creeping its way from the shadows and getting into my head.

In my return to the manor it's a race against time to see which unravels first, the mystery or my mind.

Something is rotten in the manor of Derceto.