In the First Half of 2021, HP Found that 75% of Threats Came via Email



A recent report published by HP titled HP Wolf Security Threat Insights Report shows that in the first half of 2021, email is the most used method of spreading malware and other threats, accounting for 75% of all threats.  Researchers at HP found that the number of hacking tools downloaded from file-sharing sites and hacking forums increased 65% from the second half of 2020. Some of the hacking tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are capable of defeating CAPTCHA obstacles by utilizing the most recent computer vision algorithms.  The investigation suggests that Dridex affiliates, now the top malware family isolated from HP Wolf Security, sold access to breached organizations, including ransomware gangs. Some cybercriminal gangs are now using CryptBot malware to spread DanaBot, a banking Trojan, and cyber attacke...

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