We are One Humanity - All Lives Matter

We are One Humanity - All Lives Matter



American Leaders to Rethink of Human Rights, Dignity and Global Peaceful Co-existence George Floyd was killed by a police force that should have protected his life, human dignity and oxygen breathing natural lifelines from the encroachment of extremism and brutality. His cry "I can't Breathe" is echoed throughout the globe whether someone knows George or not - a natural sense of belonging and affirming the reality that We, the People are One Humanity. Racism and racial disharmony is a chronic problem created by the socio-economic disparities and political injustice - the perpetuated Capitalism. The insanity of arbitrary power and injustice needs urgent change and reformation. We are witnessing an historic event of people's power and purpose for societal change and the epic of ruthless dictators throughout the globe.  Be it in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and elsewhere leaders claiming to be democratically elected think and behave like absolute monarchy. President Trump appears to be standing at the crossroads and engaged in time-killing exercises, not a proactive person recognizing the reality of societal problems and leading to societal peace and harmony and future-making. Trump should be thinking of a navigational change. Mankind needs morally and intellectually responsible leadership. Throughout history, all absolute rulers and leaders tried to run down the mankind as if it was just a number, a digit - and conscious-less entity. We are witnessing the continued abuse and cruelty in Kashmir, Palestine, Yemen, Syria and many parts of South America. But all of those leaders fell in disgrace destroying their own nations and empires. America was enriched with intellectual foresights and democratic history to safeguard the deprived humanity. But its contemporary leaders and major institutions seem to defy the logic of co-existing with the global humanity. For sure, American leaders lack even the essence of Thomas Paine's historic "Common Sense" to political change, but historical change will replace America's global leadership image with others, more understanding and relevant to the mankind. After almost four years of "America First" absolutism by Donald Trump and numerous racial-political discords, history will judge President Trump by his actions, not by his claims.  George Floyd did not die for legal interpretations but for equal rights and justice The tragic death of George Floyd reminds us all of the revulsion against the failure of working democracy, economic evil, subjugation of the people of color, psychological and political evil, and insane evil against black and people of colors. The 'America First' claimed by Donald Trump reflects painful temptation and socio-economic and political compulsion of systematic evil embedded in Capitalism and the class of the people who claim supremacy to govern the less fortunate and poverty stricken people of colors.  All colors matter - All lives matter if we claim to be a rational human being species populating the God-given One Planet - Earth. We, the People, the Humanity are colorful and beautiful.

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