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Global Edition
Monday, June 10, 2024

Hair Hat Lady

Credit: WTAT
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Hair Hat Lady
Hair Hat Lady
Hair Hat Lady Masks

You will recognize our next guest.

She's the creator of not just hats, but adornments fit for a queen.

We're joined by denise washington, better known as hair hat lady.

And she has expanded her accessories to reflect the times we live n when you joined us, mission denise, you brought your collection of hats, and did you ever think that you would be making facemask?

>> i didn't think in a million years that i would be making facemask beings, i didn't see that coming.

>> but you made beautiful facemasks to match the adorn wants that you create, and when did you get the inspiration to start creating some of these?

>> when i heard built covid-19, i said i'm going to make my own masks that nobody has seen before.

And then they're going to be blingy.

>> they are blingy.

And i have one of the mats that you made for me that i absolutely treasure, and you make them in all different designs and colors, and so to go with my black-and-white hat, you made one that goes with yours, and can you show us what it looks like?

>> let me show what you it looks like.

>> okay.

Ing that so beautiful.

>> and this is the african match with the matching necklace and the earrings to go with it also.

>> you have to have the matching accessories.

You caught the eye of a very high-profile fan, and can you tell us more about this?

>> yes, i caught the eye of vice president mr. joe biden.

>> what did he tell us you what you went up to shake his hand?

>> he said i'm famous, and i was going to be blessed and i'm going all the way to the top.

>> and if i remember correctly, you told me that he said he has never seen a hat so beautiful before.

>> he said i've never seen anything so beautiful in his life.

And the next thing it was in the paper that i'm locally famous.

>> you certainly are.

And you have been making the headlines both in print and on tv and on the radio.

And we're so impressed with what you've accomplished with your creations.

We need to take a break, but when we come back, we're going to talk more about the masks, and if you're still going to provide them and be making them.

So >> welcome back, her one-of-a-kind hats have caught the eye of form vice presidents, and today she's helping to stay healthy during the pandemic.

And miss denise washington, joins us via skype from her home in georgetown, and when you came on to show us your beautiful hats, miss denise, we talked about what a hair hat is.

The one that i have here is not technically a hat, but you can tell us what it's actually made of.

>> it's made of synthetic hair.

That's what i use to make a hair hat, or hair earrings or shoes, and a hair purse.

Synthetic hair.

>> that's incredible and where did this idea come from?

>> i got my vision back in 1992.

And after i got my visions, i kept getting visions each and every day, and i keep creating new designs and new things, and i tried to create something that no one has ever seen before.

And that you'll love and will catch your eye and you'll enjoy wearing and that's what i do.

And i'm not thinking about me, but everyone who would love to wear one of my products.

>> and i had the pleasure and honor of coming to your home.

And you showed me your collection of hair hats and other beautiful accessories, and how many would you say you have made over the years?

>> over the years, i made way over 100 over the years.

>> how long does each one take?

>> well, it all depends on what style i have to make, i can make one in a week, but the hair hat, i'm saying about seven days.

>> oh, my gosh, no rest on sunday.

>> no rest on sunday sometimes.

>> and so with the covid-19 and the pandemic, you decided that you wanted to contribute, that you wanted to create something that was stylish, unique, and so you made these beautiful masks.

You make it for everyone?

Is it just for women, for men?

Who do you make them for?

>> i make them for everyone, the men wear them, the women, the kids, i make them for everybody.

>> can you show us an example of the ones that you've made for the different ages?

You have a few for the ladies that i wanted everyone to see, and i think it's so precious.

>> yes, i'm going to put this black one on right now.

>> okay.

And can you breathe okay through there?

>> oh, yeah.

You can breathe.

And you can pull it down like this.

And you can put it back up or bring it down like this.

So you can talk.

>> just like that, it looks like its part of your hat.

>> yes, and i have to put that fancy design in there.

So i make it so that it has a curve, so you can have a curve when you're wearing it, and this is for the little kids, the little babies.

>> isn't that sweet?

>> this is for the little baby, and this is for anyone that's from maybe seven to 15, and this is also fit me.

And this is for the mother.

>> so you made it for all of the ages.

>> for all ages, and sometimes they don't want bling, the mama don't want bling on it, so i don't want the kids to have bling, what can get inner in mouth so.

You don't see any bling on these masks but i do have some on the table with the bling on them in all colors.

>> are you still making them?

I know they're labor intensive these things.

>> well, i stopped making them, but people begged me to please -- up in their face and stuff.

So i do make them for them.

But a lot of them, i've been giving away and donating, but i can't donate so many of them, because they're too expensive to make.

2 takes me two days to make one of these.

>> oh, wow.

All of your work is so labor intensive, you put so much love into what you create.

Are you looking for new designs for spring or summer that people should keep their eyes peeled for?

>> i have new designs at my table right now.

>> show us.

>> these are some of my new designs.

>> look at that.

>> as you see, come in all colors, black or white.

And check out this beautiful one with the bling-bling on it.

>> that's your signature, you have to have the bling.

>> these are my signatures.

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