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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Nursing homes continue to keep strict measures in place during coronavirus pandemic

Credit: KHSL
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Nursing homes continue to keep strict measures in place during coronavirus pandemic
Nursing homes continue to keep strict measures in place during coronavirus pandemic
Nursing facilities are not easing up on restrictions

Are not easing up on restrictions.

Action news now reporter ana torrea is live in redding, and explains why across our area -- strict measures are in place.

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic: nursing facilities like "quartz hill post acute" have limited people who can go inside.

Taking extra precautions to keep everyone- safe and healthy.

Trt: 12 caroline hayward lives in redding the geriatric community is super high risk and their immune system is a lot lower than the normal average person so taking precautions and upping protocol is super important during this time.

((butt to)) take so* trt:11 carrie nunn activities assistant at quartz hill post acute we aren't allowing outside visitors at the time// they take our temperatures and they ask all the questions, have we been in and out of the county// we were masks at all times and our residents are also asked to wear masks.

Like many nursing facilities here in shasta county.

Quartz hill post acute made strict rules for its building and the people who work inside.

Take so* trt:07 steve church administrator at quartz hill post acute since they are most vulnerable we go over the top to make sure we protect them against any chance of coronavirus or getting anything else.

Ana stand u* trt:18 ana torrea @atorreanews and the nursing facility is taking extra steps to make sure that the people who work here and their clients are safe, they've even set up this washing station here to make sure that people wash their hands first before heading inside.

The facility even had to make adjustments on how they interact with their clients.

Take so* trt:09 carrie nunn activities assistant at quartz hill post acute usually, we're a very social group, we've been doing the one-on-one visits with them every day and we go to each room and give them anything that they need and if someone does contract coronavirus?

Take so* trt:08 carrie nunn activities assistant at quartz hill post acute we do already have a part our building that's already been sectioned incase we do get the covid 19// we have our nurses and aids.

And people i spoke tell me: now is the time for those strict precautions... take so* trt:07 aaron young lives in redding you really got to be careful with these people.

You have to gown up and glove up and do what you can.

# quartz hill post acute tells me: it received testing kits from public health for its staff and clients.

And it'll soon be able to testing for its people inside the facility.

Reporting live in redding, ana torrea, action news now coverage you can count on.

The facility tells action news now: so far -- none of its clients have coronavirus.#

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