Ep. 360 - Free Speech Advocate Kick Starts Killer Uncensored Social Media Platforms - Jason Sheppard
Ep. 360 - Free Speech Advocate Kick Starts Killer Uncensored Social Media Platforms - Jason Sheppard

Big Tech platforms have been cracking down on free speech over the last decade.

Jason Sheppard witnessed the corrupt Covid lockdown protocols where he worked in 2020 and saw the threat to our freedoms. Therefore, he kickstarted a free speech social media platform, Wimkin (World Must Know Now), to provide social media alternatives for Americans to post and read what they wanted, without being deplatformed.

Wimkin was #1 on Apple and Google Play when they were banned from both app stores in January 2021.

Jason created several alternatives to Big Tech sites, launching Reelster (a TikTok alternative) and Filespire (a Google Drive alternative).

Jason explains why it’s so important to have free speech options in America to combat the tyranny of government censorship.