Alone in the Dark LiveScream Round 3 - Mind Games
Alone in the Dark LiveScream Round 3 - Mind Games

You ever get that feeling that the more of a mystery you uncover, the more your sanity unravels?

Such is the fate in store for discovering the secrets hidden away within the walls of Derceto Manor.

How appropriate that for a missing person's case, it is the unknown that I'm finding more and more of, or better yet, the unknown that finds me.

With each abominable terror that rises out of the ground or springs forth from the shadows, I'm finding myself running low on ammo and perhaps, running out of time.

These petrifying horrors are truly the stuff of nightmares and must be evaded or eradicated if your Control Freak, Inkarnate is going to survive this one.

If hope is such a thing, I have to keep it alive long enough for every puzzle solved and every clue detected to bring me closer to suitable resolve or sweet release in this house gone mad.