NFL, TV's Strahan flies in space with astronaut's daughter

NFL, TV's Strahan flies in space with astronaut's daughter


Football star and TV celebrity Michael Strahan caught a ride to space with Jeff Bezos’ rocket-launching company Saturday, sharing the trip with the daughter of America’s first astronaut.

Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket blasted off from West Texas, sending the capsule on a 10-minute flight with the two VIP guests and four paying customers. Their automated capsule soared to an altitude of 66 miles (106 kilometers), providing a few minutes of weightlessness before parachuting into the desert. The booster also came back to land successfully.

It was five minutes and 50 miles (187 kilometers) shorter than Alan Shepard’s Mercury flight from Florida's Cape Canaveral on May 5, 1961. His eldest daughter, Laura Shepard Churchley, took along a tiny piece of his Freedom 7 capsule as well as mementos from his Apollo 14 moonshot. She also packed some golf balls; her dad hit a couple on the lunar surface.

A co-host of ABC's “Good Morning America," Strahan bubbled over with excitement in updates for the show all week. He took along his Super Bowl ring and retired New York Giants jersey No. 92. Bezos stashed a football on board that will go to the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

“It was unreal," Strahan said after emerging from the capsule.

He said he wants to go again — but Bezos joked he'd have to buy his own ticket next time.

Bezos, who flew to space in the same capsule, accompanied the six passengers to the launch pad near Van Horn and greeted them afterward. He had “Light this candle” painted on the launch tower’s bridge, borrowing from Alan Shepard's famous gripe from inside Freedom 7 as the delays mounted: “Why don’t you fix your little problem and light this candle?”

Shepard Churchley — who volunteered for Blue Origin's third passenger flight — borrowed her late father's phrase,...

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