Why are TikTok users trying to climb pyramids made of milk crates?
Why are TikTok users trying to climb pyramids made of milk crates?

The "Milk Crate Challenge" is going viral on social media.

And we don't recommend trying this at home.On August 21, the multimedia company Sir Veillance Studios shared a video on Twitter where a man tries to walk up and down a staircase made of milk crates.On August 21, the multimedia company Sir Veillance Studios shared a video on Twitter where a man tries to walk up and down a staircase made of milk crates.The viral clip currently has over 8.3 million views.

It has also spawned a dangerous meme.The "Milk Crate Challenge" is dangerous because you can easily lose balance and fall.However, only a few of the videos on TikTok are labeled, "The action in this video could result in serious injury".However, only a few of the videos on TikTok are labeled, "The action in this video could result in serious injury"."Unc knocked it out straight from the construction site," the user @Theloot7 wrote on Twitter.His uncle completed the challenge safely but not before crates started to topple over behind him.TikToker Brittany Morris shared a video of some friends doing the challenge.the clip is the perfect cautionary tale.

Just when her friend reached the peak, the stairs came crashing down.He had a pretty nasty fall and nearly landed face first.When a person commented to ask if he was OK, Morris replied "He's straight" with a laughing emoji